These Regulations constitute the rules and regulations for the provision of services by electronic means within the meaning of Article 8(1)(1) of the Act of July 18, 2002 on the provision of services by electronic means (Journal of Laws 2002, No. 144, item 1204, as amended), taking into account the provisions of the Act of May 30, 2014 on Consumer Rights (Journal of Laws 2014, item 827).

Glossary of terms

  1. Store, Seller - RESTFACTORY conducting sales via the Internet, operating under the domain
  2. Buyer - any entity placing an order in the Store (consumer or non-consumer).
  3. Consumer - a natural person making a legal transaction not directly related to his/her business or professional activity (Article 221 of the Civil Code).
  4. Regulations - these Regulations .
  • General provisions
  1. Rules and Regulations - the rules for the conclusion and performance of a sales contract for goods on the website of the Store.
  2. In order to use the Store it is necessary to have devices that allow access to the Internet, e-mail box and Internet resource browser that allows the display of web pages .
  3. The subject of sale are the goods presented by


  1. Store
  2. at the time of placing an order.
  3. All prices presented on the website of the Store are given in Polish zloty (PLN) and include VAT . The
  4. price given next to each product does not include possible delivery costs.
  5. The offer of the Store is valid in the territory of the Republic of Poland and abroad.
  6. The Store reserves the right to change prices of goods, introduce and withdraw goods, give discounts for particular goods, as well as carry out and cancel promotional actions .
  7. However, this does not limit in any way the rights acquired by Buyers; i.e., the changes do not apply to orders accepted for processing. In
  8. order to be able to fully use all the possibilities of the Store, Buyers may register
  9. .
  10. Registration is not necessary to place orders in the Store. Registration activities are performed once. Subsequent orders are processed on the basis of the Buyer's login by providing an e-mail address and password.
  11. It is forbidden for persons using the Store to place unlawful content in it (e.g.: in product reviews).
  12. The Store does not accept parcels sent to it on delivery.
  13. The Internet Store operating at is operated by Karolina Tomaszczyk conducting business under the name REST FACTORY Karolina Tomaszczyk Katowicka 114C, 43-186 Orzesze, NIP: 6342666202.


Placing orders

  1. Orders via the Store's website can be placed 24 hours a day.
  2. To place an order, add the selected goods to the shopping cart, and then follow further instructions displayed on the Store's website.
  3. After placing an order, the Buyer receives an e-mail confirming receipt of the order by the Store.
  4. The Store has the option of additional telephone or e-mail verification and confirmation of the order.
  5. Cancellation of an order by the Buyer is possible until the order has been submitted for processing .
  6. To do so, cancel the order in the Administration Panel or contact the Store. The Store
  7. provides one of the following payment methods:
  8. by transfer to the Store's bank account (the goods are sent after the price is credited to the bank account),
  9. in cash to the hands of an employee of a courier company or the Polish Post Office (cash on delivery) ,
  10. by credit card and e-transfer carried out through the Tpay Settlement Center
  11. If you choose to pay before the order is processed, the Buyer should pay for the order within 7 days of its confirmation. After this date, the Store's offer is not binding and the order may be canceled.

Order processing

  1. The
  2. condition for the realization of an order placed by the Buyer is to provide, when filling out the order form, true personal and contact information (in particular, telephone number and e-mail address allowing verification and confirmation of the order). In
  3. case of erroneous filling out of the order form, the Store will make every effort to contact the Buyer in order to confirm the order.
  4. If the Buyer cannot be contacted, the order will be canceled within 7 days from the date of placing the order.
  5. Shipping of purchased goods is usually carried out within 7 working days, with the deadline calculated from the date of placing the order (in case of choosing cash on delivery) or from the moment of confirming the payment on the Store's account .
  6. The store reserves the right to extend the order processing time in special cases up to 14 days.
  7. Shipments are usually delivered within 1-2 days after they are posted. In the
  8. event that an order cannot be fulfilled, the Buyer will be notified immediately, but at the latest within a maximum of 14 days from the date of conclusion of the contract, and the Seller will return the sum of money received from the Buyer for the unfulfilled order within this time .
  9. In lieu of a refund, the Buyer may also agree to extend the lead time of the order or purchase other, substitute goods.

Proof of

  1. purchase is a receipt, which the Buyer receives along with the goods or in a separate shipment.
  2. The Buyer may choose one of the following methods of delivery:
  • shipment by parcel via UPS courier company
  • shipment by parcel via Polish post
  • shipment by registered mail via Polish post


The cost of prepaid shipping is 15 PLN gross, while the cost of cash on delivery is 25 PLN gross. Information about the cost of delivery is made visible in the ordering procedure (in the order form). Delivery costs are added to the order and are borne by the Buyer. Receiving the shipment delivered by the courier, the Buyer is obliged to examine it (pursuant to Article 545 § 2 of the Civil Code). In case of damage to the shipment, the Store recommends drawing up a damage protocol in the presence of the courier and informing the Store immediately. Failure to prepare the damage protocol is not tantamount to the expiration of the Buyer's right to file a complaint, the protocol is, however, helpful in the complaint procedure. The lack of a protocol of damage to the shipment may significantly impede the Buyer's ability to pursue any claims against the Store and to determine the person responsible for the damage to the shipment. Complaint and warranty

  1. The Buyer has the right to file a complaint about the purchased goods.
  2. Complaints can be filed by e-mail or postal mail.
  3. Before filing a complaint, it is recommended to contact the Store by e-mail or telephone - this will help to process the complaint more efficiently .
  4. In response, the Customer will receive a complaint form, which should be filled out and sent together with the advertised product to the address given in the form.
  5. When filing a complaint, the Store recommends giving the name of the Buyer, the order number and a detailed description of the reasons for the complaint.
  6. In the case of contracts concluded with Buyers having the status of a consumer, complaints regarding non-conformity of goods with the contract are handled in accordance with the Act of July 27, 2002 on the specific conditions of consumer sales and amendments to the Civil Code.
  7. A consumer may demand repair or replacement of goods
  8. with
  9. a new one, unless replacement is impossible or requires excessive costs .
  10. If the consumer cannot demand repair or replacement, or if the Shop fails to meet such a demand in a timely manner or if the repair or replacement would expose the consumer to significant inconvenience, the consumer has the right to demand an appropriate reduction in the price or withdraw from the contract; the contract cannot be withdrawn from if the non-conformity of the goods with the contract is insignificant.
  11. The consumer loses his rights under the non-conformity of the purchased goods with the contract if he does not notify the Shop of the non-conformity of the purchased goods with the contract before the expiration of two months from the discovery of the non-conformity. The Consumer loses his rights under the non-conformity
  12. or defectiveness of the goods if he used the goods inconsistently with their intended use or did not follow the washing and care instructions contained in the description of each product. In the
  13. case of contracts concluded with Buyers who are not consumers, the relevant provisions of the Civil Code on warranty shall apply
  14. .
  15. In the case of an unjustified complaint, all costs associated with the complaint will be paid by the non-consumer Buyer. The
  16. Shop also does not refund the cost of returning the goods in the situation of a complaint filed by a Buyer who is not a consumer.
  17. The consumer's rights resulting from the non-conformity of the goods with the contract or the Buyer who is not a consumer under the warranty for defects do not limit the Buyer's rights under the guarantee provided by the guarantor.
  18. The Seller provides a 30-day guarantee for each good purchased from the Shop
  19. .
  20. In the event that the goods are found to be defective, the Seller under the warranty will replace the goods with defect-free goods or refund the money if this is not possible.

Right of withdrawal and return policy

  1. A buyer having the status of a consumer may withdraw from the contract of sale of goods purchased from the Store without giving any reason, making a statement to that effect in writing within fourteen days, counting from the date of delivery of the goods (i.e. from the date of receipt of the goods by the consumer). To meet this deadline it is sufficient to send the statement before its expiration to the e-mail address In response, the Customer will receive a return/exchange form, which should be filled out and sent together with the returned/exchanged product to the address given in the form.
  2. The right to withdraw from the contract does not apply to the consumer in cases of:
  • services with the characteristics specified by the consumer in the order placed by him or strictly related to his person,
  • services that due to their nature can not be returned or whose object is subject to rapid deterioration,
  • provision of services initiated, with the consent of the consumer, before the expiry of the period referred to in Art. 7 paragraph 1 of the Act of March 2, 2000 on the protection of certain consumer rights and liability for damage caused by a hazardous product
  • concerning audio and visual recordings and recorded on computer data carriers after the consumer removes their original packaging,
  • agreements concerning services for which the price or remuneration depends exclusively on price movements on the financial market,
  • press delivery,
  • gambling services.


In case of withdrawal, the consumer is obliged to return the goods in an unaltered state, unless the change was necessary within the limits of ordinary management. The consumer is obliged to return the goods immediately, within no more than 7 days from the date of withdrawal from the contract. The consumer withdrawing from the contract sends the goods at his own expense; this cost is not refundable. The costs associated with the purchase of the goods by the consumer will be refunded by the Store within 14 days from the date of withdrawal from the contract by the consumer. A Buyer who does not have the status of a consumer is not entitled to withdraw from the contract within 10 days. In the face of such Buyers, the rules and deadlines for withdrawal from the contract are governed by the provisions of the Civil Code. Both returned and exchanged products must not be used.
Returns address:

Katowicka 114C
43-186 Orzesze

Personal data and privacy protection

  1. By
  2. filling in the order form, the Buyer declares that the data provided therein is in accordance with the actual state of affairs.
  3. By filling in the order form, the Buyer agrees to the processing of the data provided for the purpose of processing and servicing the order by the Seller, who is also the data administrator, in accordance with the provisions of RODO - Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 of April 27, 2016. on the
  4. protection of natural persons in relation to the processing of personal data and on the free flow of such data and the repeal of Directive 95/46/EC (General
  5. Data
  6. Protection Regulation), which in Poland becomes effective on May 25, 2018.
  7. Personal data contained in the Seller's database are not transferred to entities not involved in the execution of the order.
  8. Buyer, in accordance with the above-mentioned law, has the right to inspect his personal data, the possibility of correcting and deleting them .
  9. The Seller provides each Buyer with the right to control data processing in accordance with the provisions of RODO - more information on this subject is available in the "Privacy Policy" tab.
  10. Providing personal data is voluntary, however, the lack of consent specified in § 6.2 for the processing of personal data prevents the execution of the Buyer's order.
  11. Privacy Policy*


  1. All works available in the Store, especially photos, graphics and content are the subject of copyrights vested in the Seller or third parties and are protected under the Act of February 4, 1994 on Copyright and Related Rights (Journal of Laws of 1994, No. 2, item 23 as amended).


  1. use of these works is permitted only to the extent that does not exceed the use permitted under applicable law.

Final provisions

  1. In matters not regulated by the Regulations, the provisions of generally applicable law shall apply, including in particular the provisions of the Act of May 30, 2014 on consumer rights and the Civil Code
  2. The Regulations do not exclude or limit any rights of the Buyer who is a consumer, to which he is entitled under the mandatory provisions of law. In the
  3. event of a contradiction between the provisions of the Rules and Regulations and the mandatory provisions of law granting rights to consumers, the provisions shall prevail.
  4. The court competent to hear disputes arising out of a sales contract concluded between the Seller and a Buyer who is not a consumer shall be the court having jurisdiction over the registered office of the Seller.
  5. In disputes arising in relations with consumers, the competent court is the court for the seat of the defendant or the place of execution of the contract.
  6. Regulations are available to all Buyers in electronic version at (tab "Regulations") as of 25.12.2014.
  7. The Store has the right to change the regulations.
  8. The store shall inform buyers of any change to the regulations before the effective date of the changes to the regulations. If the Buyer does not accept the changes to the regulations, the Shop shall inform the Shop, in which case the Shop shall delete the Buyer's account.
  9. Orders placed by buyers before the change of the regulations are carried out according to the previous provisions of the regulations.